Feature requests
- Importer for Games (1 Reply)
- Radiobox or Link in Header (0 Replies)
- Social Sites (2 Replies)
- What would you like in new version (77 Replies)
- Some Ideas (19 Replies)
- showing BOTS on the site (28 Replies)
- Daily game most played (4 Replies)
- Integrating YAS with other CMS (1 Reply)
- Databases (0 Replies)
- do not show some games in Mostplayed (5 Replies)
- Member Messages WishList (2 Replies)
- Languages Pack (1 Reply)
- Specify how many games to fetch (6 Replies)
- Wanted: help with translation systen (0 Replies)
- Trading capabilities (2 Replies)
- Mochiads Downloader (19 Replies)
- Get SWF and thumbs from other sites (6 Replies)
- Better capabilities to link exchange (5 Replies)
- Please Look (2 Replies)
- New Page Suggestion? (1 Reply)
- High Score Table (8 Replies)
- XML Feeds (6 Replies)
- Set number of free play (2 Replies)
- Ideas for Yas (1 Reply)
- Rotator (5 Replies)